Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Standards

Have you heard the news? Kindergartners will be facing tougher math standards starting next year! The good news is that we are doing many of the additional "requirements" in our classroom already. However, with the bar raised and your child having more accountability it is even more important to continue working at home together! We have begun the 3rd marking period already below find a list of the requirements your child needs to master this quarter.

Count to 100
Count backward for 20
Read numbers to 30
Write numbers to 50
Count to 100 by 10
Names penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar
Create a 3 part pattern
Verbilize addition and subtraction stories
Measures with ruler and other nonstandard items


Here is the link to Buffalo News article about the additional kindergartenstandards:

1 comment:

  1. I was unaware of the additonal standards being put in place for kindergarteners. Thank you for posting the article. I am happy to hear that the class is already learning many of the additional requirements.
